There was amazing classical music as I grew up...
until my teenage brothers began playing music and drowned it out.
My mother stopped playing her classical music on the radio.
Now, as I am a mother of two teenagers (and, as of today, being a half birthday for Dymo, let's include a 12 1/2 year old. Art, I haven't forgotten you, but you are not yet double digits.), the music issue raises its head in my life again.
(OK, I'm back. My sobbing has settled down.)
The classical music wasn't put on the radio anymore because of the teenage music. I didn't fight for it. I gave it up. I felt hurt by being "overtaken." I shut the musical part of me. I didn't fight back and play it on my own.
How did I find out today that I had done that?
Lately, I have been listening to (been invited to!) the YouTube channel for "The Piano Guys" by Dymo and Art (They go there after homework is done or listen to it while they do homework!).
Some of their songs have 40+ million hits!
And their songs are not even with lyrics. They play cello and piano usually in amazing on-site, no-green-screen locations, such as the beaches, cliffs, Berlin, snow covered areas, forest-river areas.
In this, I have found such joy in music!
I had shut down after many examples of music just appealing to baser instincts.
I have come alive, and it feels amazing! Thank you, my two older ones, for seeing the good in music and bringing it home to me, helping me past an issue I did not even know I had!
What issue is there that lies hidden in you? What will make you feel more alive?
We prepare for Christmas now, and He is the One to show us that joy and life... with His witnesses, with His Life, with His Birth, with His Death, with His Resurrection and Acension into Heaven.
Something to sing about!