Monday, April 30, 2018

Star Wars

We watched the newest Star Wars movie during the Christmas break as a family.  Later, we talked about things we didn't like in the movie, such as the way that the Resistance Leader didn't share information, or the way that Kylo Ren tore down Rey's self-esteem.

We realize that the Star Wars universe has affected our world, so it is important to see how it has influenced the way we think and act.  People are modeling their thoughts and behavior off of movie's these days now that movie are the cohesive fabric of society rather than the Word of God.

We talked, as well, about things we did like, such as the bright red of Snoke's throne-room or the first appearance of a proper Sith Cycle (Master trains Apprentice, Apprentice defeats Master and then becomes the Master).

The biggest issue that is brought up by the Ks is that one needs to connect and the Jedi belief that one cannot be married or attached to persons breaks away from true human nature.

Since then, there has been an ongoing talk about the Star Wars series, its inconsistencies, its errors.  The whole strength of Luke Skywalker is compromised.