Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Shame and Honesty

As you have become more and more the young woman, I have looked back at my journey into womanhood. I am the one who is to guide you in ways that your father cannot. I look deeper than I would look for myself into myself to find the good, the bad, and the ugly.

It really is hard to be that honest with myself because then I see areas that I need to change in me now. It is truly wonderful to be that honest because then I can grow up and stop living in old patterns that I picked up to just survive. I get a chance to thrive, as a face old shames.

I am ashamed that I did not bring my personal dilemmas to my mother, only I would have been even more ashamed if I had.

The shame was there, in part, because I was accepting wrong things and pretending it wasn't all so bad, all the while feeling very bad indeed. 

I want a peaceful inner life where shame is not sticking to me like glue, sticking and keeping me all stuck.

I don't want to be stuck. I want to be free to be me for you... for me, for life!