My husband and I are opposites who attract. Or repel, if we are stuck in not understanding why we are so different one from the other.
I was complimenting him on his risk taking to invest the family money so that it will grow. I was impressed at how he had taken action, not just once, but over time, with patience, through ups and downs, to manage the money. It takes forethought, continual thought, and the ability to move as one needs to.
Love and growth take action. It can't just stay in our heads. He calls us forth toward each other and the world! We are attractive when we respond. We show up strong, interestingly at the exact moment we are weak (vulnerable).
My husband shows me love through action. He responds when I do the same. I learn incalculable lessons by being around him. So, likewise, I am learning incalculable lessons being near Christ in Adoration chapel. These actions open us up to live by giving it first before receiving it.
Maybe, rather, we are grateful for receiving His Love first. He loved us in giving us each other. I wish you love!