To speak in someone's language - having their loyalty.
Acts of service
John Chapman, The Five Languages of Love
Inspire, encourage
We make a choice. I choose to be faithful, be filled with faith in Him and God working in our relationship.
How do you respond to him?
Figure things out -- take time to think it out
Culture of life -- it happens because you say "yes" to those things
I am building something of value!
You do not give up! Do not give up.
Your faith -- it is enough.
A chance to grow in a new direction.
Understand things in a deeper way.
touch his life
land into their lives -- consistently
I want that!
You are there for me!
You give me what I need :)
Things then grow exponentially
the pace of growth
Great things take time to grow
I help by waiting, guiding, suggesting, being good and prudent--wise!