Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Colors rising out of ashes!

I am about to go wash my face, and the ashes will come off.  Today the lyrics in one song stood out for me:  "The ashes of the good we fail to do."

So, this Lent, I feel compelling to look at the good I can do!

I am aware that my time goes in looking for books and clothing.  That could just be life.  As a homeschooling mother, I do need books!  As I woman, I enjoy mixing and matching outfits, and it is great for my students and husband :)

Plus, a functioning wardrobe helped when I went out with Bridegroom Press Stations of the Cross Masterpiece Art

However, honestly, we have enough, so now I can go to visit friends or take Bridegroom Press on the road, go to exercise, go to Adoration, clean up the garage, walk outdoors, write personal emails, do a journal.  Basics.  Do what needs doing.  Do the good you can do!

It becomes Truth Time!  What are my priorities, and am I willing to put time into my real priorities instead of things that keep me from reaching out of my comfort?

Those ashes on my forehead make me realize it is not about comfort; it is about being present and available.

Thankfully, it can also be about taking small steps, consistently.  It is changing to have that change in place after Lent and beyond.  Today I am not going into the following Him part explanation, but in putting order into my life, I am letting Him in.

It is in my being honest, for instance.

We all have our weaknesses.  Mine is looking at things realistically, honestly.  For instance, I do not allocate enough time for things.  I want to sugarcoat the process and not face that it really does take that much time.

So, in His Mercy, He gives me time.  May I be a good steward of it...

Here is one of the ideas I have to deal with this during Lent.

I have a sheet  with 40 Crosses from Loyola Press to mark down when I do these things in a color-coded way:

...brown for "visiting/inviting friends" is brown for knocking on their door or opening mine! is for "exercise" since then I breathe in more oxygen. is for Adoration as it shows love. for the garage cleaning since it is a black hole for things when I do not decide and find a place as I put it in there, for walking outdoors amidst trees and grass. for personal emails to share my passion and bright ideas. for the journal writing to symbolize soft and vulnerable.

...purple for almsgiving since it is penitential and is a way to treat others as the royal family of God they are!

...yellow for using humor instead of frustration in a noteable way.

...gray is my wild-card--for writing, blogging, emailing, journaling, autobiographing, --passing on what I have learned and keep learning from you all!

You are part of my colors!   

I actually pulled out my color pencil carrier today to have the colors available!

May He help me put order into my life as I put Him into my life more, serving, praying, doing!  That will color things up in a way books and clothes do not!

Colors!  May we light up the world with Him, in HIm, and through Him.
More on living a Trinitarian lifestyle in the next post!

On to a fresh face!

Love God, do good, just do it!

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