Monday, July 25, 2016

Trust Makes a Way!

I have been wanting to "start my life" since I was in my teens!  It's about reaching out, teaching what has worked for me.  It's wanting my struggles to find happiness, peace, joy, fulfillment to help others find it sooner than I have!

Fear keeps getting in my way.  What if others just want to be left alone?  What if they have questions I cannot answer?  What if I forget to practice what I have learned?

I have not gone forward in sharing my life as I had dreamed I would.  That in itself would be a whole victory story -- loving enough to reach out!

We need each other!  We need that approval and support of each other.

One needs to confront to get ahead... confront the fear and do what I know I am called to do...

Reach and teach!

I am getting the guest room ready for a visitor, and I found a book I would recommend to my father when he arrives this week:  "Do it!: Let's Get Off Our Buts."

While I was going to college, I had a book called "Life 101" which he once borrowed and recently returned.  It was written by the same author as "Do it!" and was left unread for many years:  "Then I finally picked it up and read it!"

Now, as I re-read it, it makes so much more sense:  making plans, having goals.  In my early twenties, I couldn't wrap my mind around goals.

Today I began a book on making decisions.  I made the decision to reach out and teach today!  What?  What I am learning :)

I am learning that it is in going through the fear, trusting God to sustain me, as He did for His People when He parted the Red Sea, that I can move forward.  I cannot do it alone.  (John 15:5 reminds us that we cannot do things apart from God.)

Doing it on my own power, I haven't done it, haven't moved beyond my fear.  Fear is our chance to lean on God.  We pass the test, so to speak, when we go to Him rather than back to our land of slavery.

I was listening to a YouTube video by Joyce Meyer when she visited El Paso.  She told the story of God rescuing His People with such mighty, mighty works that anyone and everyone would be able to trust Him to take care of them!

Yet, even after the parting the Red Sea that gave them a way out (one that no one could have imagined!), God is not trusted when problems arise again. Let's go back to what we knew, even if it was slavery!

We have to want a better so much that we will turn and trust God for it--and know that He will deliver!  It does not mean that He will give us the easier route.  We need the long way

sometimes (often!) to be made ready for our new challenges.  As my daughter reminds me, I am to see that I have made progress, not just say that I am not there yet and despair!  Rejoice instead!!!

I want the easy way--no wonder I keep going backward.  I focus on my fears rather than focus on Him:  I need to see the Light, look at what He IS doing now, praise Him for that, move toward Him.

I CAN do the harder way, if I abide in Him! He is reaching out to me to teach me to take the challenges! It will make me ready to turn to Him when I make decisions, going forward though afraid, for I rest in Him.

And that is a lot to learn in one morning!  All the lessons were pointing to getting past fears and doing what God is calling me to do--sharing what I have struggled through.

I can be proud of that--facing negativity and fear and going forward through it! It feels amazing to find Him there, waiting, loving, supporting me!

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