Friday, May 6, 2016

The Name of Jesus--Words Create Reality! Part 2 of 2 in Name of Jesus Series

With God, words have power!  

Greek and Jewish philosophers 

believed that God had created 


through His word, or His wisdom.  

Words create reality with God:  

He says it, and it happens!

Words are powerful, as powerful as the speaker and the speaker's integrity and authority.

The "word" was His power to think

 — his rationality, His creativity.

The Word was made flesh!   In post-modern language, Jesus is God's "selfie."

(Wow, now that is getting into the Oneness of the Threeness in the Trinity!)

I often get out of balance when I do not ponder deeper spiritual realities.  I get stuck in the mundane, the routine, the comfort zone.

 I think there is plenty to learn before you are officially an adult, and you should work at growing in many areas.  I am working at doing that myself!  In reading about teens, I am finding a lot applies to adults that want to have it "more together!"

The Church sets January aside to honor the Holy Name of Jesus.  He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega (Revelations 22:13).  He is honored in January and December, from His Birth to His Presentation and beyond.

His very Name is a constant reminder of His task of saving us, but contains within it, as well, all the marvelous and beautiful things He did while on this earth.  Use that Holy Name with love and reverence.  Call upon Him!  His Name is a prayer, my dear!

Reflect on the meaning of things.  He gives all things purpose and meaning.  Let Him speak to you.

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