I would say it is the ratio of how-long-it-takes-to-write to how-long-it-takes-to-read that boggles my mind, as well!
How does this apply to us? Well, you all make the fun food, and you share it, so we don't have that problem.
But what about you reading my posts before I even get a chance to enjoy a comment about what you thought about what I wrote? You'll be on searching for the next post to gobble up!
I can't keep up with that voraciousnesss! I need to write to you for a year, and then you can have an afternoon of reading :)
That said, I will write to you at the speed of life. It is now time to get ready for the Board meeting, so I'll see you later! You are in my thoughts and prayers (go, get something to eat!).
your Mother